The Lamorna Society Plans for 2025
Spring Weekend in Cambridge 21-23 March 2025
Visit to Fitzwilliam Museum, Kettles Yard, The Murray Edwards Women's Collection of Art, and the University Botanical Gardens.
The Lamorna Society Summer Weekend 6-8 June 2025
The Lamorna Society AGM Weekend 17-19 October 2025
The Lamorna Society AGM
The Lamorna Society 26th AGM Weekend 11-13 October 2024
Friday 11th October
The Boathouse will be open from 3.00 p.m. for a welcome to the weekend and an informal gathering of members.
7.00 for 7.30 p.m. Evening meal at The Alverne Restaurant, 30 Alverton Road, Penzance, TR18 2QN.
Saturday 12th October
10 00 a.m. Penlee House Gallery. Visit to view the exhibition: ’Flora – 150 Years of Environmental Change’ curated by Kurt Jackson,
2.30 p.m. The Village Hall, Lamorna. The AGM followed by refreshments. There will then be a showing of the film by Lamorna Society member Diana Taylor: ’Strange Storms and Symphonies’ about the Cornish composer George Lloyd.
7.00 for 7.30 p.m. Dinner at The Fisherman’s Arms, Newlyn, TR18 5JR
Sunday 13th October
10.00 a.m. Visit to the RNLI Lifeboat Stations, Newlyn. We will meet at the new Penlee Lifeboat Station, TR18 5HW for an introduction and then split into two groups, the first having a talk and going on a tour of the Station while the other group walks a short distance to visit the old Station (access to it is a little difficult). The groups will then change round before reassembling at the new Station for a conclusion before departure at 12.30.p.m.
2.00. p.m. Visit to Trewidden Gardens, Penzance TR19 6AU. The entry charge is £9. Light lunches will be available in the adjacent Tea Room, should you wish to arrive earlier and have lunch there.
1. Friday pm - Visit to The Newlyn Archive, The Boathouse Newlyn
2&3. Friday evening meal at The Alverne Restaurant, Penzance
4-7. Saturday am - Penlee House Gallery to view Exhibition -Flora- 150 Years of Environmental Change, curated by Kurt Jackson
8. Saturday pm - The Lamorna Society 26th AGM, Lamorna Village Hall
9.Film -Storms & Symphonies, George Lloyd 1913-1998, Cornish composer, by Diana Taylor.
10&11 Saturday evening meal The Fishermans Arms, Newlyn
12&13 Sunday am - Visit to The Penlee Lifeboat Stations old and new.
14&15 Sunday pm - Visit to Trewidden Garden, Near Newlyn
16-18 Sunday evening party at Wheal Betsy
The Lamorna Society Summer Weekend 7-9 June 2024
Weekend in Cornwall 7th - 9h June 2024
Friday 7th June
3.00 p.m. onwards. Members are invited to gather informally at the Boathouse, Newlyn. (The Archive at the Boathouse will be open as usual in the morning). Some items from the Lamorna Archive will be on view.
7.00 for 7.30 p.m. We will meet for dinner at the King’s Arms, Paul (postcode TR19 6TZ, tel. 01736 731224). Menus will be sent out separately to those who book for it, a deposit will be required.
Saturday 8th June
10.30 a.m. Bob Mason will lead a walk round the Penzance Town Trail starting from St. John’s Hall, Alverton Street (postcode TR18 2QR). The walk passes 14 points of interest and finishes at Penlee House. The distance is 1.3 miles and the walk should take about two hours.
2.15 pm. We will meet at Penlee House & Gallery, Morab Road (postcode TR18 4HE). Bob Mason will introduce us to the exhibition: ‘The Exceptional Harold Harvey’ and we will start our visit to it at 2.30 p.m. Entry is free for Friends of Penlee, otherwise normal charges apply.
7 for 7.30 p.m. Dinner at The Fisherman’s Arms, Newlyn (postcode TR18 5JR, tel. 01736 685426). Menus will be sent out to those who book for it.
Sunday 9th June.
10.30 a.m. We hope to visit the Woodcutters Cabin in the Lamorna Valley. It belonged to Daisy Gibbs’ grandmother and Daisy is in the process of restoring it. There is a walk of 10 to 15 minutes through the woods from The Village Hall to reach it. The usual limited amount of parking will be available at the Village Hall, but cars could be left in the road where a lane goes up to the Cabin.
2.30 p.m. We will visit the gardens of Patrick Gale and Aidan Hicks at Trevilley Farmhouse, Sennen (postcode TR19 7AH, tel. 01736 871808). The gardens will be open to the public that afternoon and so may be rather crowded. The cost of entry for the group will be £6 per head.
6.00 p.m. Reception at Wheal Betsy for an informal supper at 7.00 p.m. Ron Hogg and Pam Lomax have very kindly invited us to their home. Please bring a small contribution to the food.
An invite poster to The Lamorna Society Members
for the Launch Event
Friday 8 December at the Solomon Browne Hall, Mousehall
The Lamorna Society AGM Weekend 6-8 October 2023
The Lamorna Society Summer Weekend 2023
16-18 June 2023
Weekend in Cornwall 16th - 18th June 2023
Friday 16th June
Reception at the Boathouse, Newlyn from 3 p.m. onwards. (The Archive at the Boathouse will also be open as usual in the morning). Items from the Archive will be on view and we are hoping that it will also be possible to arrange a visit the Tidal Observatory on the harbour pier. The visit will take about 45 minutes, there is no charge but a donation to the Archive would be appreciated.
6.00pm We will meet for an informal supper at the Bridge restaurant, Newlyn
Pre-ordering is required, menus will be sent to those who book to come.
Saturday 17th June
Morning 10.30am Meeting at the Village Hall, Lamorna. There will be a showing of a short film; ’Queer Cornwall’ about the artists Ithell Colquhoun, Marlow Moss and Gluck (Hannah Gluckstein). After refreshments, Anne Forrest will give a PowerPoint presentation of Cornish paintings by her late husband Edwin Forrest.
Afternoon 2.30pm We will meet at 2.15 pm. at Penlee House & Gallery, Penzance for a guided tour at 2.30 p.m. of the exhibition ‘Lamorna Colony Pioneers’ led by David Tovey who has curated the exhibition. Entry is free for Friends of Penlee, otherwise normal charges apply.
Evening 7 for 7.30 p.m. Dinner at The Fisherman’s Arms, Newlyn TR18 5JR. Meals must be ordered in advance and menus will be sent to those who book to come.
Sunday 18th June.
There will be visits to two potteries, that of Adrian Brough at Lelant and the Leach Pottery at St. Ives. Because Adrian can only accommodate small numbers, we will split into two groups, each group visiting one in the morning and the other one in the afternoon. Those attending can indicate on the booking form in which order they would prefer to do them.
Friday 10 June -Sunday 12 June 2022
In and Around Falmouth
1-4 Lunch at The Jubilee Inn & Tour of Polperro
5-7 Friday evening evening drinks and meal
8-11 Falmouth Art Gallery. Polperro-Cornwall's Forgotten Art Centre
12 Pandora Inn Saturday Evening meal
13-16 Enys Gardens
The Lamorna Society AGM September 2021
in and around Lamorna
1-7. Friday evening meal at the Kings Arms, Paul
8-10. Saturday evening buffet meal at Lamorna village hall
11-14 Sunday morning archive film at Lamorna Village Hall
15-16 Sunday morning walk following 'The Artists Trail in Lamorna'
17-18 display showing archive record of The Pixie Cabin, Newlyn, run by Ina Lambe's family and her role in the Lamorna Society, by Anne Forrest
Dear Members
Virtual Tour of The Munnings Art Museum
The Munnings Art Museum is hosting a Virtual Tour of the Museum for Members of The Lamorna Society, on Friday 23 April, at 4.30pm. This gives those who have visited the Museum before, a chance for a second look, while for others it provides an opportunity to see it for the first time. We will have two curatorial hosts to take us on a journey through the rooms of Castle House, the former home of Alfred Munnings. There will be time for questions at the end of the tour.
If you would like to know more about the Museum see 'The Flagstaff Issue 43 Summer 2019 for an article about our spring weekend in Dedham.
The tour costs £8 and booking is now open. Bookings can be made either online at or by telephone.
Kind regards
Jenny Williamson
The Lamorna Society
Zoom Lecture By David Tovey
Dear Members you are invited to join a third Zoom Lecture given by David Tovey.
The Social History of St Ives
Friday 23 July
(This lecture is for Lamorna Society Members only and is free of charge)
If you are interested in joining us please let me know, so that a link can be sent nearer the date
A Zoom Lecture by David Tovey
Dear Members
You are invited to join a Zoom lecture given by David Tovey, art historian and editor of The Flagstaff. This is the first of two lectures on the subject of David's forthcoming books celebrating the development of the artistic community in Polperro, a subject not previously researched. The second lecture will take place during the second half of March. The publication of the books was planned to coincide with an exhibition Polperro - Cornwall's Forgotten Art Centre, curated by David, which should have taken place at Falmouth Art Gallery this Spring. Unfortunately the Covid situation has resulted in the exhibition being postponed until 2022. However the publication of the books will go ahead. Information about how to buy copies can be found by clicking this link
Polperro - Cornwall's Forgotten Art Centre - Part One - 1800-1920s
David Tovey
Friday 26th February
Zoom Lecture
Polperro - Cornwall's Forgotten Art Centre - Part Two - Post 1920s
David Tovey
Friday 19 March
Zoom Lecture
(These lectures are for Lamorna Society Members only and are free of charge)
If you are interested in joining us please let me know, so that a link can be sent nearer the date.
Kind regards
Jenny Wiilamson
Flagstaff Editor and Arts Society lecturer, David Tovey, has written an article on Polperro and its art for the Arts Society 'Instant Expert' series. It can be found online by clicking the link below:
The Lamorna Society Plans for 2021
The Lamorna Society Committee met 12 January with a view to discussing dates for our Summer and AGM weekends.When we set the date for the meeting, well before Christmas, things were looming promising and we had every hope of being able to organise a weekend event, even if the format had to be a little different from usual. Unfortunately, that was not to happen. By the time the Committee meeting took place, the whole country was once again under lockdown. There is no indication of how long this might last, which rendered it impossible for us to make firm plans. When lockdown is finally lifted, it is very likely that there will be rules in place about the size of gathering and social distancing.
A couple of positive things did come out of the meeting, however. One being that if necessary we could combine the two weekends into one, to be held on a date near to the usual date of out AGM. If we take that route, we will try to include a visit to the Laura Knight Exhibition at Penlee House Gallery, which if things go according to plan, will run from 28 April to 11 September. Our other positive decision is to investigate the possibility of offering a Zoomed talk on a subject that might have normally been included at one of our weekends. Should it prove possible, details will be sent nearer the time.
In the meantime, if you have any suggestions of activities or visits that you would like to see included in any of our future weekend events, please do let me know.
I know some of you will have already been vaccinated, and more to follow, so let us hope there is soon a change for the better and we can meet once again.
I wish you all the best for 2021 from the Committee and myself.
Jenny Williamson
We regret to announce the cancellation of our AGM Weekend, which was due to take place 2-4 October 2020. This is in accordance with current lock down restrictions on numbers for social gatherings and social distancing. It is not currently possible to book venues for larger groups from many households at the present time.
The Lamorna Society Committee hope you are managing to cope with the restrictions and that they prove effective in arresting the spread of the virus. Keep yourselves safe and well.
AGM Weekend September 2019
Birch Anniversary in Lamorna, Summer Weekend, June 2019
1-3 Paul Cemetery
4-7 Visit to Lamorna Archive, Boathouse, Newlyn
8-9 Friday Evening Meal at The Sound Pantry, Newlyn
10-12 Saturday morning walk to Carn Barges
13-17 Picnic at The Millenium Triangle, Lamorna
17. Saturday Evening Meal at The Smugglers Restaurant, Newlyn
18. Sunday morning talk by John Beresford
Spring Weekend in Dedham 2019
1. Relaxing in the Holiday Inn, Dedham
2. In the grounds at Castle House, Munnings Museum Dedham Essex
3. Enjoying lunch at the Garden Cafe, Castle House
4. Meeting for the Saturday Evening Meal at The Boathouse, Dedham
5-12. Following the Art Trail at Flatford Mill
1-3. Enjoying the grounds at Castle House, Munnings Museum, Dedham Essex
4-11. Private Tour of Castle House, led by Curator Jenny Hand & Curatorial Associate
Marcia Whiting
12-15. Tour of Sir Alfred Munnings Studio
16-17. David Evans' talk at the Duchy Barn, Dedham
Archive Open Days 2020
The Open Days are held at Trinity Centre, Chywoone Hill, Newlyn, in the main hall where there is an exhibition and other material to review related to the theme of the exhibition.
Friend of the Archive, Maurice Bishop holding large fish at the Fish Market
21 March 2020 postponed to 21 March 2020
Trades to do with Fishing
Once, the main occupation in Newlyn was fishing. As well as working on the fishing boats, fishing provided jobs for many men and women on shore. In this exhibition of archive material we look at what happened to the fish when it was brought into Port. It was the job of the fish dealers to distribute the catch. For many this was an unpredictable occupation and there was much poverty amongst the jousters and fish wives who helped deal with the catch in the early days. The main dealers were better off and had premises in the harbour and contracts for the export of their fish, but even these were subject to the weather and if the catch was too large or too small there was hardship.
The Fish Market was an important hub of activity for the fish dealers and the improvement of the harbour facilities through time was important to the commercial success of the fish business. One important trade was exporting pilchards to Italy on the famous Bird Boats. About 30 of these were run by the General Steam Navigation Company and many called at Newlyn with names like Stork, Heron, Albatross, Raven and Lapwing. This trade also supported the many fish cellars in Newlyn where the women of the family could find jobs. There were also some factories associated with the fish trade. Who remembers Shippam's Pilchard and Tomato paste which was produced in Newlyn? Come and find out more or come and add to our information.
20 June 2020
Women Artists of the Early colony at Newlyn and Lamorna
Which women artists associated with Newlyn appear in the Art Archive? We look at the women artists born between 1800-1879 (Artists 1) and 1880-1919 (Artists 2). There are few in the first category, but we include Elizabeth Forbes 1859-1912, Caroline Gotch 1854-1945, Laura Knight 1877-1970 and Isabel Leader. There are more women artists in the second category, due to many of them being students at the Forbes School of Painting. Here we have Ithell Colquhoun 1906-1998, Madge Fawkes 1881-1932, Jill Garnier 18901966, Hannah Gluckstein 1895-1978, EM Handyside, Eleanor Hughes 1882-1959, Mornie Kerr 1904-1990, Marlow Moss 1889-1958, Maudie Palmer, Dod Procter 1890-1972 and Ruth Simpson 1889-1964. We look at where these artists lived, what they painted and who modelled for them.
26 September 2020
Trades other than those associated with Fishing
In this Open Day we look at various shops and businesses that give an indication of the many trades that were associated with Newlyn but not directly with fishing such as barrels, pots, baskets, ropes, bottle tops and stonework.
Historically, Boat building was an important trade, and there were a number of well-known Boatbuilders like Peake operating from Newlyn. Quarrying was also well established. Stone was used for local purposes but was also exported. This gave business to the Harbour, which was well known for the Stoneboats, with names often ending in ‘Brooke’ such as Devonbrooke, Dorsetbrooke, Warwickbrooke and Leicesterbrooke. The harbour was also involved in shipping many other materials like cement blocks and clay. Also boats would discharge their cargos in the harbour including flowers.
Because Newlyn has always been associated with arts and crafts, these provided trades. Cryséde once had its headquarters in Newlyn. Pottery was also a lively trade and Newlyn had some of the finest potteries of its time associated with names like Brough, Celtic, Lane, Leach, Leaper, Picard, Tremaen and Troika. Mining was important historically. Many Newlyn men worked in the mines at St Just. There were also once local mines like Wheal Betsy, Wheal Henry and the mine at Wherry town. Many trades survived mining to do with copper and tin as part of the work of the Newlyn Industrial Classes which were started by the early artists to alleviate local hardship.
Stone boat being loaded at the South Pier. Photo from Pete Joseph.
21 September 2019
Great Voyages that started at Newlyn
2020 will be the 400th anniversary of the sailing of the Mayflower to America in 1620. Did she stop at Newlyn to pick up fresh water because there was cholera in Plymouth? John Pollard of Newlyn kept a Journal from 1794-1795, when his voyage aboard The Lark was rudely interrupted by the 44 gun Permoney and he was taken prisoner by the French. Henry Lelynack also kept a personal log of his voyage, on the schooner Queen of the West, from Penzance to BUenos Aires in 1851-1852. There is an account of 'crossing the line' when the cook 'slimmed the cuppers' and found himself 'in the latitude of pea soup and salt water'. Two years later in 1854, the Mystery left Newlyn for Australia, reaching Melbourne on 14 March 1855 after a journey of 11,800 nautical miles (21.900 km).
15 June 2019
The Shops that have Come and Gone
Can you help identify the shops that have been and gone in Newlyn? Once there was Elsie Baker, grocer in Jack Lane; Barron's newsagents in the Strand; Edwards, grocer on the corner of St Peter's Hill;Jelbert, ice-cream parlour in the Strand; J Reseigh's Grocer's shop on the old Quay Slip...and many others.
Maud's on the corner of Trewarveneth and Fore Street was a hub of activity during the war, a place where the women met to gossip and exchange coupons. Miss Maud Thomas who lived at Primrose Terrace had stepped into fill a gap when the previous shop girl, Phyllis Chiffers, had eloped suddenly with a fisherman!
23 March 2019
From the Balcony to the Lighthouse
This Open Day explores the history of the area of Newlyn Town South that stretches in an almost straight line from the Balcony (once the Navy Inn where the press gangs worked), past Upper and Lower Green Street, to the old slip that led to Hoskings's Sail Loft. This was before the South Pier was built with its two lighthouses and internationally famous Tidal Observatory. Now an artist occupies the Hosking properties and below him is Harvey's Crab Tank, but the second lighthouse and the Tidal Observatory are still there and were listed in 2018 as part of our Cornish Heritage.
21 September 2019
Great Voyages that started at Newlyn
2020 will be the 400th anniversary of the sailing of the Mayflower to America in 1620.
Did she stop at Newlyn to pick up fresh water because there was cholera at Plymouth? John Pollard of Newlyn kept a journal from 1794-1795, when his voyage aboard The Lark was rudely interrupted by the 44 gun Permoney and he was taken prisoner by the French. Henry Kelynack also kept a personal log of his voyage, on the schooner Queen of the West, from Penzance to Buenos Aires in 1851-1852. There is an account of 'crossing the line' when the cook 'skimmed the cuppers' and found himself 'in the latitude of pea soup and salt water'. Only two years later in 1854, the Mystery left Newlyn for Australia, reaching Melbourne on 14 March 1855 after a journey of 11,800 nautical miles (21,900km).
12 October 2019
The Sports that put Newlyn into the Limelight
Water sports and rugby must vie with each other when it comes to sports that put Newlyn in the limelight. From the earliest times when the luggers that won The Mount Bay Races came from Newlyn to more recent acclaim when Helen Glover, our Olympic heroine, water sports have featured in the wider news. Similarly with Newlyn Rugby. They played their home games on the side of a mountain which might have helped their many successes against unsuspecting opponents. Certainly Newlyn had an uncanny knack of beating Penzance
Another local sport was bowling. The first wood on Penlee Bowling Green was played by JJ hichens in 1919, the year the club was formed and so the exhibition celebrates its centenary
Saturday 13 October 10.00am - 3.00pm
'Families that were the Backbone of Our Town'
It has been very difficult to select material to feature in this Newlyn Archive Open Day Exhibition because so many families have been the backbone of our towns, Newlyn and Lamorna. We have selected material from large collections that have been given to the archive about particular families. Thanks go to the donors of this material.
Alongside the exhibition there will be our collection of family files for you to look at and our family expert Diane Donohue to consult. You can also see the remarkable film sequences that Brian Newton has put together for this occasion about family life and community. Roger Nowel will feature along with the Le Grice family, a wedding in the Cornish language, and much more. You can also listen to some of the tapes we have in the archive made by people featured in the Exhibition. All this is possible because of the new equipment that the archive has been able to purchase through the generosity of the Cooperative Society who have raised a remarkable £2000+ for us.
Saturday 16 June 2018 10.00am - 3.00pm
'Getting There and Getting Back'
The wide range of photographs showed how goods and people came and left Newlyn. There were some particularly fine photographs of the railway from the quarry to the South Pier taking the granite to the Stoneboats to be transported further (the quarry railway ceased operating in 1973). The North Pier, in contrast, was for the fish dealers; the fish (particularly pilchards) was brought there to be exported by the ‘Bird’ boats to Italy. In earlier days before the new piers were built, the Luggers had taken the fish to the traders on the beach. Many interesting photographs were on display of the fishwives, with their cowls, and the traders, with their horse and carts, on the beach ready to transport the fish further afield. There was also a board devoted to Stanhope Forbes recollections of first coming to Newlyn, with copies of relevant paintings from the art archive collection, and a board of ‘getting there and getting back’ to and from Lamorna that had details of the Good Friday walk, started in time immemorial.
Saturday 24 March 10.00am-3.00pm
Rescue at Sea
This is an apt topic for the first Open Day of 2018, as the Archive's permanent home is in the Admiralty Boathouse, 23 The Strand, Newlyn, which was built for the Admiralty in 1900, as a Coastguard's Boathouse. In fact, it seems it was never used as a boathouse but became the home of the Rocket Wagon, which went to the rescue of the crews of boats in distress. At this Open Day we explore historic shipwrecks around West Cornwall, and particularly the involvement of the lifeboats which were stationed at Wherrytown, Penzance and Newlyn from 1865 until today.
Saturday 16 June 10.00am-3.00pm
Getting There and Back, transporting goods and people
This Open Day looks at the role of transport in enabling business to progress. How did the fish that was landed get to peoples' tables? How did the granite from the quarries at Newlyn and Lamorna reach the building sites and roads where it was used? How have our local forms of transport changed over the years? Who were the boats' captains, train and lorry drivers or men and women who pushed carts?
Saturday 13 October 10.00am-3.00pm
Families that were the backbone of our places
At this Open Day we look at the families that were behind the major developments in our local towns. In Newlyn the Legrice and Bolitho families were powerful land-owners and business people. Newlyn fishing boats often belonged to the same family for generations. Certain families provided sportsmen and women that have put Newlyn on that map.
We hope to draw on all three of our Archives on Newlyn, Lamorna and West Country Art to tell stories in these Open Days
The Lamorna Society 20th Anniversary AGM Weekend
Friday 29 September - Sunday 1 October
29 September: David Tovey's Devonshire house to view his collection of Cornish pictures, followed by get together at the Tolcarne Inn, Newlyn.
30 September: A virtual exhibition of members images of Lamorna, at Lamorna Village Hall, followed by the 20th Anniversary AGM. Visit to Penlee House Gallery and Museum to view the exhibition - John Armstrong:Dream and Reality. Then, 20th Anniversary Lamorna Society evening meal, Goldolphin Arms, Marazion.
1 October: Launch of The Lamorna Artists' Trail in Lamorna Booklet, and walk around Lamorna led by Robert Fishburn and Ron Hogg.
The Artists' Trail in Lamorna is a celebration of 20 years of the Lamorna Society, its members and their appreciation of the Lamorna Valley - its literature, its social and natural history and the many artists associated with it.
Cost £3.
Available locally and online
The Lamorna Society Summer Weekend
Newlyn/Penzance/Lamorna 16-18 June
16 June: Reception at the Admiralty Boathouse, Newlyn, the new home of the Archive. Then meal at Italian Kitchen.
17 June: Archive Open Day, 'One Hundred Years Ago' . The Open Day focusses on events that happened one hundred years ago in 1917 and in the years of the Great War. It shows archive material about Newlyn and its people in 1917 and also tells the story of the artists from Newlyn and Lamorna (some too old to enlist) who played their part during the Great war and shows some of the pictures painted during the war.
Visit to Penlee House Gallery and Museum to view exhibition 'Stanhope forbes: Father of the Newlyn School'. Evening meal at the Smugglers Restaurant, Newlyn.
18 June: Talk by David Tovey - Warhorses, Ferrets, Moles and Other Mudlarks, by Crosbie Garstin. Afternoon walk in the Lamorna Valley.
The Lamorna Society Spring Weekend
Falmouth 5-7 May
A wonderful opportunity to celebrate the 20th year of Lamorna Society. The Society was created after the publication of A Painter Laureate Birch and his Circle, by Austin Wormleighton (1995), the exhibition at Falmouth Gallery of 88 paintings by Lamorna Birch in August (1997) and the guided Walk held at Lamorna by the artist Keith Gardiner, son of Stanley Gardiner (1997).
24-26 June 2016
The Lamorna Society Literary Weekend, Cornwall
13-16 May 2016
The Lamorna Society Liverpool and Birkenhead Weekend
2-4 October 2015
The Lamorna Society AGM in Cornwall
1. Archive Open Day, Trinity Centre - Children from Newlyn Primary School involved in art activity with Stephen Sedgeman,local artist
2. Lamorna Society members viewing Archive exhibition
3. Pam Lomax lecture- Where the Artists Lived in Lamorna and Newlyn
4. Evening meal at the Newlyn Italian Restaurant
5. Evening Meal at Lime Tree Restaurant,
Dr Roo Gunzi gave Saturday lecture-Stanhope Forbes, Painting Craft and
6. Jack Osborn gave After Dinner Speech -10 January 2016 Jack celebrated his
100th Birthday. Congratulations!
7. Sunday walk - discovering the artists' houses in Lamorna
8. Sunday walk - discovering the artists' houses in Newlyn
26-28 June 2015
The Lamorna Society Summer Weekend in Cornwall
June 2015
The Lamorna Summer Weekend in Lamorna & Newlyn
1&2 Viewing the Archive at Wheal Betsy Annexe
3-6 Socialising in the Wheal Betsy Garden
7 Discovering the artists' houses in Newlyn
8-13 Painting Day at Trewoofe, Lamorna
14&15 Evening Meal at The Smugglers Restaurant, Newlyn
16-19 Discovering the artists' houses in Lamorna
20 Lunch at Borah Studio, Lamorna
May 2015
The Lamorna Society Spring Weekend in Nottingham
1. Nottingham Castle
2. Willow sculpture of robin Hood in Nottingham Castle Gardens
3. Sarah Skinner, part-time curator showing us the stacks deep in the heart of Nottingham Castle
4. Viewing the early works of Laura Knight in the print room
5. 'Cornish Light The Nottingham 1894 Exhibition Revisited - 'Old Sea Dogs' painting by William Titcomb
6. Tour of exhibition by David Tovey
7. Wollaton Hall and Deer Park in the heart of the City of Nottingham
8. Prospect Room in Woolaton Hall with stunning architecture
9. High on the roof of Woolaton Hall with panoramic views of the expansive deer park, the City of Nottingham and beyond
Read the reports of The Lamorna Society Spring Weekend in Nottingham in The Flagstaff Issue No35 Summer 2015
October 2014
The Lamorna Society AGM Weekend 2014
1. The Lamorna Society/Newlyn Archive Open Day
2. Evening meal at the Newlyn Italian Restaurant
3. AGM talk by Louise Connell, curator of Penlee House Gallery
4/5. Views of Lamorna Cove
6. Lunch at the Lamorna Cove Cafe
7. Dinner at the Lime tree Restaurant
8/9. Re-enactment of the Good Friday Walk to Lamorna
Read the reports of the Lamorna AGM Weekend 2014 in The Flagstaff Issue No 34 Winter 2014, p24-28.
May 2014
The Lamorna Society Spring Weekend in Whitby and Staithes
1. The Whitby Museum and Pennant Art Gallery
2. The Staithes Gallery
3. Inside the Staithes Gallery with owner, Al Milnes
4. Plaque dedicated to Laura Knight
5. Whitby artist Michael Pottas and his wife, Jane
6. Tour of Trevelyan College Durham University by Muriel Woodward, Emily Spencer and Brian Whitton
Read the reports of the very enjoyable May Weekend in Whitby and Staithes in The Flagstaff Issue No 33 Summer 2014, p16-19.